National Science Day Celebrations - 2019
February 23 & February 28
Organized by
Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University.

National Science Day is celebrated all over India on 28th February of every year in order to commemorate the invention of the Raman Effect by an Indian physicist, Sir C. V. Raman on the same day in the year 1928. The objective of the celebration is to widely spread the message about the importance of science and technology in day-to-day life and National Science Day theme for the year 2019 is "Science for People and People for Science".
As like the previous years, Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University is planned to celebrate the National Science Day, 2019 (NSD-2019) for two days, on 23 & 28th February of this year (Click here to download the brochure). In the view of celebrations, various events/competitions such as Quiz, Thematic Presentations, Art work competitions, Treasure Hunt and Talent shows will be conducted. In addition, a Science Day Special Lecture will be delivered by Prof. R. Muralidharan, Former Director, SSPL, DRDO, New Delhi. All the Scholars/Students of our department are encouraged to take part in the events and make it a grand success.
As you know, all the post graduate students are divided and accommodated in four different houses (Click here to view the houses details). The competition is between the houses and houses with the highest number points will be awarded with a winning trophy. But in an individual event any number of teams from a house can be participated. For participation and escalation to further stages of the event will be provided with points, which will be used for the overall championship. In any event, if all the teams from a house is failed to meet the minimal qualification (like clearing a prelims), one team with highest point within the house will be included to the main competition. Similarly, a house cannot refuse to participate in any of the competitions. Each house should have a captain (from II M. Sc.,) and wise captain (from I M. Sc.,). Scholars and M. Phil students will be equally and randomly put into the houses and will contest from that particular house.
February 23, 2019
Treasure Hunt
Two participants per team. A smartphone is necessary to participate in the event.
Oral Presentation
The title should be on this year science day theme. M. Sc., and M. Phil students only can participate.
Surprise Event
Maximum five participants can participate from a house. This event will test your team spirit. Click here to see the Rules.
Art Work
Participants can display their artistic skill in the form of collage, craft or rangoli. Two participants per team.
February 28, 2019
Talent Show
From single participant to any number of participant from a house can participate in the event. Participants should exhibit their special talents. (Click here for participants details)
Grand Quiz
Two participants per team. Questions will be based on Physics, general science and general knowledge. After prelims five teams will be chosen for main event.
Points Allotment
If a participant secures First Place in a event 5000 points will be given to his house. For Second Place 2500 pts and for Third Place 1000 pts will be given. For Clearing Prelims 250 pts and for Participation in any event will yield 100 points to the house.
Points Information
Click below to check the current stand of teams.
Hufflepuff - 11.5K
Ravenclaw - 25.1K
Slytherin - 11.8K
Fairplay points are given to each house for team spirit and fair play. It'll be rewarded with +1.00 for the best and the next positions are denominated as +0.50, +0.25 and -0.25 respectively.
Hufflepuff - (+1.00)
Ravenclaw - (+1.25)
Slytherin - (+2.00)
Selection and Participants List
For any clarifications or modifications please contact us through or on 89737-70821.(Click here for participants details)